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Language Teachers

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Lishui | Posted by:lisachen     May 21 09:30      share
Email:4652*********    Tel:*********     Working City:Lishui   Hits:

1. Positions: 
ESL or EFL Instructors; (6) 
Native-speaker Teachers of Spanish; (2)
Teachers of economics, management, mathematics, natural sciences, medical science,nursing science, pharmacy, civil and mechanical engineering, information technology, ecological and environmental science,landscape art,art theory, artistic designing and so on with English as the medium language for classroom instruction. (20 or more) 

2. Contract: One year renewable based on performance.

3. Workload: Teaching 14 to 16 periods of 45 minutes per week on average.

4. Wages: RMB 5500-7000+ Yuan per month, depending on previous working experience and

qualifications.Extra payment for working overtime. Wages for qualified teachers of basic and applied sciences other than language teachers are negotiable.

5. Allowances: RMB 1100 Yuan per semester as travel allowance payable at the end of the two phases of the contract term.

6. Vacation: One month paid vacation in winter around spring festival plus public holidays.

7. Housing: Free lodging in a furnished apartment on campus with a bedroom, a study, a kitchen, a sitting room, a private toilet with shower by electric water heater.Electronic format of photos showing housing conditions will be sent via email on demanding.

8. Transport: RMB 10,000 Yuan as yearly international traveling allowance.

9. Qualifications required: Bachelor’s degree or higher; Master’s degree or doctorate is preferable. For language teachers, internationally recognized certificates of qualification like CELTA/TESOL/TEFL will be required.

10.Documents needed: Following documents in PDF format need to be offered as attachments to an email for application: CV/Resume + Cover Letter(summarizing experience, commitment to education and interest in teaching in China).

11. Others: A sample contract will be sent via email on demanding.

Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 13764

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